What People are Saying:
Lisa Marie Borucki
This tachyon plasma activation technology is a GAME CHANGER!
Whatever team or individual who is orchestrating this system is past due for a standing ovation. The technology is so far Advanced and mind-blowing that many individuals can't understand when in such a low third density personal vibration. But that's the point of this technology, the ones who are almost ready to activate are getting realllll close. Thank you for developing this system. I've been using this application for the past 1½-2 and have watched it blossom. At times it's overwhelming to choose what frequency to listen to or which frequency is best to assist with personal release, clearing, activation, etc. but I know that it's all part of the process. Thank you for developing this beautiful quantum Frequency app. I rave to many about it!!
Elizabeth Davilla
For those of you with jaw issues try CSF reset. It brings in more light as our cranium is expanding our jaw feels the expansion. I did This frequency 3 weeks ago and about that time my friends all started having jaw issues except me. When I showed them this technology it alleviated the jaw pain immediately. It eliminated my neck pain immediately... I do these often now. Looking forward to turquoise level.
Beauty Way
Beautiful divine sound healing technology This is by far the most advanced quantum sound healing app out there. The frequency is so high it will clear your energy of all lower vibrations. The pyramids are epic I’ve been raising the vibration on a global level for 3 months and it is effecting the collective consciousness very positively💖
Stellar app
This is the best app. It makes aligning, centering and clearing yourself a breeze. I show my friends how to purify the tap water ( while in a restaurant ) with the water molecule setting. We were amazed how good the water tasted. Love this app. 💙
Transcendent and simple
I’m in love with this app. It is so eloquent and easy to use.
Lana Cruger
This app is essential for all Light Workers!
Morgan Elisabeth Templet
really amazing app thank you SO much. feels great to know there's other like minded souls that are experiencing the same thing as myself. This app truly works and is extremely accurate and effective. I couldn't believe such of it's kind existed. Thank you!!
Beck at Becks Zen Den
Amazing app, obsessed
Barbara Nill
This app has opened a way for me to make a very positive difference for the planet and consciousness. I am extremely grateful and feel the power and beauty of the app, and know that I am helping the earth. I highly recommend this app if you are looking for a clear and positive way to make a difference in consciousness.
Joni Simmons
Andromeda Activation Testimonial (Level 3)
The energy began traveling through my body as I ascended up through my chakras traveling to Andromeda. Visually I was seeing lights, and sacred geometric patterns in mostly blue and lavender/pinkish lavender. My entire body was vibrating very fast (which is usual for me now when a lot of energy runs through me.) As I entered Andromeda my body calmed quite a bit. I felt and heard a welcoming, and embracing by large beings. It was comforting, peaceful, and like a welcoming me home feeling. It felt almost like I was put into a bubble or something, and it was very comforting and soothing. It felt like some kind of magical water. The experience was all very quick. Then I felt or heard, I’m not sure which, that I was to channel and send this energy to all here on earth, and as I did so my arms and hands began moving and sending energy downward and across in a circular outward motion. I heard “you will continue to send and raise the vibration even when you do not feel it coming through you any longer. You are now connected to the energy receptors here.” I’m not sure when the next wave hit, but my body began vibrating with energy coursing through it two or three times during the experience, then it would go more to a soothing and watery feeling. It lasted about 20 or so minutes. As I came back into my body, I felt very blissed out and full of love. As I began moving around my house I noticed how wonderfully GOOD I felt and how much energy I had as I began cleaning, vacuuming and steaming my floors.
Healthy Cells Frequency Testimonial
I’ve been using this app for several months, These frequencies are so beneficial in many many ways! Please please try them out! Raise your vibration, and the vibration of this planet! I would like to share my experience this morning. First, last night I started feeling achy, freezing, I woke with flu symptoms. Being guided to run frequencies on this app, and seeing when I opened it that there was a new level of higher frequencies, I bought the newest luminescence level. I ran the scan and the energies that it came up with. I then ran “frequency accelerator,” with an intention of WELLNESS. I could feelMy head clearing as it was running. I ran this for an hour and a half. I felt 💯 times better!! Stuffy nose cleared, nausea gone, body aches gone. I worked a full day. I have no doubt this app will clear corona virus, among other viruses and illness. 🙏🙌
Alan Sindler
I’ve downloaded all available levels and it’s amazing. I’ve used brainwave entrainment sounds, Solfeggio frequencies and light and sound machines. This stuff is leagues ahead of all of those things. I don’t know how it works, but it works!
Omg this is so wonderful! I'm so thankful for you all at seven7sisters, this app is a real game changer, exactly what we need to tap in to. I'll be sharing this app with others! Its just so powerful!!!
Lısa Marıe Boruckı
This app surpasses amazing. It has added and excelled my knowledge, spiritual ascension process, and most important, extremely helps me on staying grounded so I can naturally do my "lightw☆rk"
Aaron Rose
Just wow! The future of our lives are inside this app! I'm impressed! A must have!
Ashlee Storey
I LOVE IT! To anyone who clicked on the app and may be curious, definitely without a doubt download this app...
Starseeds especially NEED THIS!
Troye Lilley
Fantastic and Powerful healing tools. Amazing Soundscapes! Incredible value for money! Thank you!
Samuel T. Alexander
This is a very interesting app to say the least. One of the best meditation apps that I've ever used.
joseph strong
Wonderful app. Really gives concept to higher dimension energies and brings them to mental
understanding for neophytes and veterans alike